SAPPO Annual General Meeting 2016

Dankie, Simon en loop mooi!

Simon Streicher het die afgelope 17 jaar diep spore in die varkvleisbedryf getrap as hoofbestuurder van SAVPO. Hy het onder vele voorsitters gewerk en hy moes sy storie ken om by elkeen se bestuurstyl aan te pas, lag hy.

Simon het vele veranderinge in die organisasie en die bedryf die afgelope jare meegemaak en hy was verantwoordelik vir verskeie nuwe en positiewe ontwikkelings in die organisasie. Hy het ook ‘n belang–rike rol gespeel om die PRRS-uitbraak van ‘n paar jaar gelede hok te slaan. Simon het self karkasse van varke wat weens die siekte uitgeslag moes word op trokke gelaai wat dit moes wegry.

Hy is ‘n bestuurder wat hom met detail bemoei het en geen skewe syfer in ‘n begroting kon daai skerp oë ontsnap nie.  Simon is nie ‘n mens wat hom deur emosie op loop laat gaan nie. Die feite het getel en daar is nugtere besluite geneem.

By SAVPO se algemene jaarvergade–ring vanjaar het varkboere van hom afskeid geneem. Simon het ‘n oorkonde ontvang en ‘n regte, egte bul om sy beesboerdery in Limpopo ‘n hupstoot te gee.

New beginnings for SAPPO

The annual general meeting approved a new constitution for SAPPO. The decision for a new SAPPO structure was not taken overnight and the decision to change was not taken lightly, says James Jenkinson, chairman. “It took intensive discussions with various role players, especially with our provincial organisations. They have done extraordinary work at ground level the past years to keep the SA pork flag flying. We tried to involve as much opinion as possible.

This also included work sessions with an independent consultant who looked at SAPPO and its affiliates with objective eyes.   “Agriculture is changing, pork production is changing, and we have to do what we believe is in the best interests of our producers. I believe that the new SAPPO will be more streamlined and that we will eliminate duplication to render a better service to members,” Jenkinson says.

You must now become a member of SAPPO. Membership applications forms are available from Sally Bosman at our office. Please call or e-mail her at . There is no membership fee applicable for the first membership year.

Pork prices will hopefully rise soon

“The pork industry will hopefully see a decline in maize prices, which will be a welcome relief after a difficult year characterised by the severe drought,” James Jenkinson said in his chairman’s report at SAPPO’s annual general meeting.

He said a lot of work has been done since SAPPO at the previous meeting decided to go ahead with a new structure. This resulted in a final constitution for the new organisation. The process of appointing a new chief executive officer in the place of Simon Streicher, who is retiring, is also in an advanced state.

The current levy period will end at the end of October, but the new levy has already been signed off and will come into effect on 1 November 2016.

Jenkinson said SAPPO will soon be engaged in a law suit with the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries about the AGOA agreement. “It is of the utmost importance that the industry be protected in this regard.”

He said the consumption of pork is steadily rising and this is a direct result of the excellent promotions that is being done by SAPPO.
The outbreak of African swine fever took everybody by surprise and it is every farmer’s duty to farm in a biosecure way. He urged pork producers to compartmentalise, as this is the only way in which viable exports could occur.

Transformation guidelines must be met

“During the past year a committee comprised of SAPPO and personnel of the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) has been formed to develop a plan that will ensure that the objectives of the transformation guidelines are met,” said Kgadi Senyatsai in the report on developing pig farmers committee.

This has led to the enterprise development project with the aim to assist smallholder farmers to expand to 200 sow units for breeder units or 200 weaners weekly for out-grower units. Due to limited finances, only four farms were selected and approved by SAPPO and the NAMC.

She said the Baynesfield Academy has remained the core centre for imparting skills and overall exposure to developing farmers. It has been assessed by the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (DAFF) and is awaiting approval as the accredited provider for artificial insemination.

As far as stakeholder liaison is concerned a programme has been undertaken with the NAMC, promoting agricultural careers at identified agricultural schools. SAPPO is also assisting the Gauteng department of agriculture and rural development with the deployment of extension officials to commodity organisations to ensure that knowledge and skills are transferred for the development of small farmers. An awareness drive of African swine fever was also conducted with DAFF in the Free State, while eleven developing farmers participated in the 2016 carcass competition hosted by SAMIC, Senyatsai said.

Teach them to buy and braai

“We have to teach people to overcome their misconceptions and prejudices against pork. We have to teach them to buy it and braai it,” said Marieta Human, promotions coordinator, at SAPPO’s annual general meeting.

SAPPO’s consumer education consists mainly of joint venture campaigns with retail groups, chef’s competitions, the mainstream educational campaign and regional projects.

The joint venture campaigns with retail groups are always supported by good exposure in the media. The chef’s competitions have provided great opportunities for making significant inroads into the awareness, understanding and respect for South African pork in the minds of executive chefs and trainers in cookery schools. With the mainstream educational campaign SAPPO has succeeded in achieving exceptional value for money, much more than regular advertisers can ever hope to achieve. On regional level many worthwhile projects to counter negative beliefs about pork and to promote usage and positive familiarity with pork are being done in the different provinces. All of them are back up by in-store promotions.

These projects include, but are not limited to, butcher training, butchers’ competitions, meat trade social events for management and key decision makers, butchery bonanzas, school programmes, township meat trader education and township in-store promotions, educational pork video’s and cookery school competition sponsorships, Human said.

Animal health: Are you serious about the pig industry?

“The pig industry is totally dependent on compartments and if we are serious about our industry, we will have to compartmentalise,” said Dr Peter Evans in his report on the national pig health monitoring committee’s activities.

Currently, 77 sites with 48 820 sows are compartmented in comparison with the 78 compartments with 48 860 sows that were compartmented in 2015. However, 32 sites with 17 500 sows are now in the process of re-registering. The target is to have 105 sites with 76 740 sows compartmented.

As far as the outbreak of African swine fever in Schweizer-Reneke and Koffiefontein is concerned he said two different viruses, which are not related to the South African strains, have been found. It is not yet clear if it is two separate outbreaks or if the outbreaks are related. It may be possible that some swill came into the country.

The SANS 1478 Welfare Code for Pigs has been adopted. He warned that most supermarkets will soon change their standards in terms of the time that sows spend in crates, which will be no longer than 28 days.

AGOA represents major health concern

“SAPPO has brought an application to review and set aside (alternatively to declare unlawful) the agreement titled Side-Letter on Pork Shoulder Importation from the United States of America to South Africa,” said Jacobus Hoffman in the report of the industry protection committee.

He said this pork cuts are of major health concern to the industry. The first sample consignment was condemned by the department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, but it was not send back or destroyed but re-classified and entered under the VPN.

Current trade discussions include SACU, the Tri-partite negotiations and SACU-Mercusor. In the case of SACU, Namibia recently prevented South African pork from entering Namibia after an outbreak of African swine fever in certain parts of South Africa. By doing so, they have not accepted compartmentalisation which they previously did. SAPPO through the assistance of DAFF rectified this and the border has been opened.

Pertaining to theTri-partite negotiations, Egypt advised that it is prepared to open up 100% of its tariff lines to SACU provided it obtains full reciprocity.

South Africa’s position is to adhere to the modalities for negotiations initially agreed upon when the Tri-partite negotiations were launched. SAPPO has requested pork to be included in “sensitive”/not to be liberalised list.

It was confirmed that the SACU – Mercosur Preferential Trade Agreement was entered into on 1 April 2016.

According to the import figures, a total of 15 446 ton pork was imported in the first seven months of 2016. In 2015 the volume was 22 879 ton in the same period. The main exporting countries were Spain (39%), Germany (27%) and Canada (10%). It consisted of 47% ribs and 51% other cuts.

Consumer to be made aware of Pork 360

“SAPPO will create marketing campaigns and Pork 360 awareness through various media to the consumer,” said Jacobus Hoffman in his report on the Pork 360 committee’s activities.

He said Pork 360 has developed three sets of standards; farm standards, abattoir standards and deboner/processor standards. Currently 50 340 sows have been certified.

The latest version of the on-farm standards is available on the SAPPO website and at the SAPPO office. Three abattoirs have been certified, namely Winelands Pork, Lycra Meats and Eskort. The new standards for de-boners and processors have been completed and will be submitted to ISC International for review.

Goals for 2016 include a completed web site, to complete the processing standards, to pass ISC re-certification, to launch Pork 360 in the Western Cape and the activation of a social media platform, Hoffman said.