Latest Issue of Porcus

Porcus is SAPPO’s mouthpiece and the magazine appears seven times a year: January/February, March, April/May, June/July, August/September, October and November/December.

Click here on the cover to download an PDF version of the latest Porcus.

Porcus August/September 2016

Highlights of SAPPO’s annual general meeting
Highlights of the KZNPPO’s annual general meeting
Highlights of PPP’s annual general meeting
Hoogtepunte van die Kaaplandse Varkvleisprodusente- vereniging se algemene jaarvergadering
Ileitis vaccine: An alternative to antibiotics?
Ceva’s new targeted vaccine to fight enzootic pneumonia in swine
Improving production efficiency in pigs
Dalein trap reeds vir 40 jaar diep spore
A passion for solution: Sow lameness overview in the South African pig industry
Quick guide to Glasser’s disease
Exciting new era for PIC
Market conditions

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