- As a member of this organisation you share in policy-making within the pork industry which takes place on a democratic basis. SAPPO continuously negotiates for the best possible dispensation regarding imports and exports, tariffs, EU and other negotiations and reduction in input and marketing costs. Your involvement as a member can strengthen our collective bargaining power.
- SAPPO is registered with the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC) as a directly affected group in the maize, sorghum and meat industries and is consulted by the NAMC on all matters pertaining to pork production.
- SAPPO members share in the benefits of projects such as the National Pig Health Monitoring Scheme, generic pork promotions, videos on and training in pork production, MH testing, research, inputs, etc.
- SAPPO was the driving force in creating a planning committee for the pork industry and has great say in identifying, initiating and funding of industry applicable research. SAPPO has for instance obtained the license to conduct MH tests to identify and manage this important stress and quality gene.
- Regular visits by overseas speakers and other experts addressing farmers’ days, study groups and symposia keep our members up to date with the latest developments in the industry.
- SAPPO was instrumental, in conjunction with other role-players, in compiling a Pig Welfare Code. SAPPO members care for their animals and strive towards handling them in the most humane way possible.
- SAPPO liaises on a continuous, often daily basis, with role-players in the meat, feed and food industries, national and provincial government departments, animal welfare groups, international pig and pork related organisations and the media.
- The authorities on nominating members for various bodies such as the Meat Industry Forum, SAMIC, commodity forums, the NAMC and others consult SAPPO, recognised as the official mouthpiece of the organised commercial pork producer. Members therefore have a direct say in the appointment of such representatives.
- As a member of SAPPO you receive our magazine, Porcus, and our electronic newsletter, SAVPOInfo free of charge.
SAPPO has access to a wealth of information sources available to members to assist them in making correct and timeous management decisions.